2021 Events In Review

to Dec 19

Holiday Market

The Holiday Gift Market was open at Jordan River Arts Center from November 14th until December 19th.

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to Nov 5

“in the shade of trilliums”

A mother and daughter show with Pat and Cayla Tinney.


Like the shelter of this valley, in the shade of trilliums, a quiet and alive place where we sit and listen. First as mother and daughter, our feet tucked under their broad leaves, learning from each other and the land, and now, in our shared memories and the shelter of our practice. A space we both carry in our solitude yet somehow built together. This show a small sliver of our life’s work, forever unfinished and always unfolding in two different souls, but shared in life as mother and daughter.

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Watercolor Workshop

Mary Guntzviller taught a one day Watercolor Workshop for 9 participants.

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to Oct 1

JRAC Membership Show


Open Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays from 1-4,
and by appointment- jordanriverarts@gmail.com
until October 1st.

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to Aug 20

michigan, in the deep heart's core

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michigan, in the deep heart’s core

On Sunday, July 18th we opened a photography exhibit based on William Butler Yeats’ beloved poem, The Lake Isle of Innisfree.  Written in 1890 and calling for a rejection of the stresses of the industrialized urban lifestyle, Yeats expressed his yearnings for a simpler, more nature-based life, much in the spirit of Thoreau’s effort at Walden’s Pond.  The visual images in the poem, which embrace dream-like references to the small cottage, the planting of food, the open glade in the forest, and the ever-beckoning call of water, were the inspiration for four artist-photographers who readily found Yeats’ visuals in northern Michigan.  

With a concentration on cottage, farm, glade and water, this exhibit artfully celebrated what draws so many to northern Michigan, most seeking the same sense of peace as the speaker in The Lake Isle of Innisfree. 

Photographs of Michigan by Kathy Silbernagel, Marilyn Hoogstraten, Kathie Carpenter, Babs Young

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to Jun 30

Jordan Art Walk

The Jordan Art Walk consists of seven sculptures placed strategically between the Friends of the Jordan and JRAC, and integrated with the new ‘Joining Jordan Boardwalk’. The plan is for more additions over the next two years. Sculptures will be rotated out after 3 years, so that this will become an evolving exhibit.  

JRAC is excited to collaborate with the City of East Jordan, the Friends of the Jordan River, the East Jordan Area Chamber of Commerce and Active Recovery Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine on this public art project.  The ribbon cutting ceremony for the Jordan Art Walk took place on June 16th.

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to Jul 9



All things BIrds exhibit celebrated Peoples Choice Awards on Wedneday July 7. Wild Birds Unlimited from Traverse City provided 3 baskets of merchandise to the winners. Rusty Hart 1st Place, Pat Tinney 2nd Place and Glen McCune 3rd Place.

Glen McCune, Barbara Norgaard from Wild BIrds Unlimited in TC, and Rusty Hart.

Glen McCune, Barbara Norgaard from Wild BIrds Unlimited in TC, and Rusty Hart.

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to May 21

Scholarship Show

Scholarship winners for the 2021 High School Show

Front row: Gracie Thomas,, Annie Bergman,, Rachel Pott,Second row: Judith Veldboom,  Paige Pemble,  Jayde Fazio,  Koehn Manthei,  Emily Bellinger

Front row: Gracie Thomas,, Annie Bergman,, Rachel Pott,

Second row: Judith Veldboom, Paige Pemble, Jayde Fazio, Koehn Manthei, Emily Bellinger


Emily Bellinger, Charleviox

The Betty Osborne Scholarship


Gracie Thomas, Charleviox

The Betty Beeby Scholarship


Koehn Manthei, Concord Boyne

The John R. & Raechel Alberts Scholarship


Paige Pemble, Charleviox

The JRAC Award

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to May 1


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to Apr 2

Pieced, Layered & Stitched

Awards for Pieced, Layered & Stitched Exhibit

He Burned The House Down on the Way Out1st Prize to Sarah Bearup-Neal$500.00 sponsored by O’Brien & Associates

He Burned The House Down on the Way Out

1st Prize to Sarah Bearup-Neal

$500.00 sponsored by O’Brien & Associates

Wildernization, The Triumph of Overgrowth2nd Prize to Dolores Slowinski$250.00 sponsored by JRAC

Wildernization, The Triumph of Overgrowth

2nd Prize to Dolores Slowinski

$250.00 sponsored by JRAC

Palace Speaks at Night II3rd Prize to Boisali Biswassponsored by Jennifer Burr of Coldwell Banker Schmidt Realtors

Palace Speaks at Night II

3rd Prize to Boisali Biswas

sponsored by Jennifer Burr of Coldwell Banker Schmidt Realtors

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