2022 JRAC Workshops + Events
Rust Printing
We will be taking rusted items and pairing them with fabric (or paper), to create interesting patterns and compositions.
Maintenance Hole Cover Printing
Print an impression of an EJ casting on a T-shirt or paper.
Watercolor Sunflowers
Interpret the beauty of summer sunflowers. Working with a still-life vase of locally grown sunflowers, you’ll practice drawing, composition, color mixing laying down washes, and techniques for creating texture.
Needle felted Gnomes
Learn the basics of needle felting. Sculpt adorable gnomes out of natural fibers.
Altered Book Workshop
Linda Liabenow of the Papermaiden is offering “Discovering Altered Books.” Materials are provided to get started and you're welcome to bring your own collections of ephemera.
Holiday Gift Market
The Holiday Gift Market will be open every day, from November 13 to December 17.
Shop in the community and support local artists!
On Shop Small Saturday, November 26, JRAC will have extended hours for Holiday Gift Market from 1-8 pm. JRAC is having an activity in the basement, free of charge. Children can decorate a wooden ornament while parents shop the Holiday Gift Market.
Rust Never Sleeps
Rusted objects sometimes signify abandonment and disuse, but also change over the passing of time. This exhibition presents beautifully textured surfaces etched by time, iron, and oxidation in many different mediums. Sculptures of rusted metal, fabrics printed with rust, paintings of rusted surfaces, textiles woven with rusty bits, all of these and more will be on display as a part of Rust Never Sleeps.
Patti Clark book signing
September 25 from 1:00 to 3:00 at JRAC
Come and meet the author and illustrator of the new release of the book, ‘Little Drop’, written by Dr. Michael Lucido, PhD. and illustrated by Patty Clark, MA LPC.
Elementary, preschool age children and parents are invited to share some family time during this event. There will be book signing, sales, time for questions and mindfulness take away activities for the family that help parents and children cope with change, stress and the discovery of hope in a noisy world.
This story takes the reader on a journey through fears, anxiety, and excitement by way of a little drop of water experiencing the expected and unexpected changes in its path of existence.
2022 Member Show
JRAC is happy to announce the annual Members Invitational Show for 2022. Artwork of 33 of our member artists is exhibited.
Four Seasons Banners
Celebrate the Seasons of East Jordan Banners
Artwork from JRAC artists is being featured on banners throughout downtown East Jordan!
Artwork below is by the following artists: Lori Feldpausch, Pat Tinney, Steve Tornman, Karen Kimmell, Teresa Mc Gill, Karen Kimmell, Babs Young, Bill Dietrich
Four Seasons Celebrate East Jordan and Beyond
This summer we are hosting an exhibition that captures the beauty and the community of East Jordan all year round. The prize winners are shown below.

East Jordan Community Welcomes Seven New Sculptures To Their Art Walk
With help from Ann Gildner, the EJ High School welding class created ‘Jordan’– this giant metal swan.
The EJ High School welding class helped Girl Scout Troup 4455 create ‘Juliette’ — this unique metal butterfly.
Florescence Too
JRAC is rebooting our outstanding exhibit from 10 years ago, Florescence. The 2022 version is titled Florescence Too. The beauty of Northern Michigan in bloom, is on display throughout the gallery, in a variety of mediums!
Scholarship Show
Scholarships and recognition were given to these high school students at JRAC’s award ceremony. Serenity Bentz, Paige Premble, Jayde Fazio, Luis Chevez, Marley Covell, Alexis Lockey. Anna Anger, Abigail Mayes, (not pictured: Emily Dong, Nicole Rutkowski). Congratulations to you all!
Scholarships include:
Betty Osborne Scolarship of $1500- Paige Premble, Charlevoix H.S.
Betty Beeby Scholarship of $1000- Jayde Fazio, East Jordan H.S.
Pat & Gary Schleif Scholarship of $1000- Marley Covell, Charlevoix H.S.
John R. & Raechel Alberts Scholarship of $1000- Serenity Benz, Charlevoix H.S.
The JRAC Award of $750- Emily Dong, Charlevoix H.S.
Three Honorable Mentions of $100- Nicole Rutkowski, Concard Academy Boyne;
Luis Chevez, East Jordan H.S.; Alexis Lockey, Mancelona H.S.
Portrait Society of America of 1 year membership- Paige Premble, Charlevoix H.S.
Below are a few of the artist’s submissions:
Full Circle: Inspiration Through Lens and Brush
This Exhibit is about artists working in different mediums, photographer and painter, coming together. The Photographer strives to capture the essence of their inspiration through the lens of their camera, to capture that perfect shot. Painters are inspired by photos and transform a photographic image through brush and pigment. The photographer sees their photograph take on new life through the painter. The goal for both photographer and painter is to evoke emotion and to inspire the viewer. The artists come together to take the viewer on a journey. Full Circle.
Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
Rock Paper Scissors (aka Rochambeau or roshambo) is a hand game used as a fair way to decide the outcome of a dispute or question. Rock smashes scissors, scissors cut paper, paper covers rock.
For this show we’ve expanded the elements of the game to: Rock Paper Scissors Scrap. It includes all mediums and celebrates all or one of the components in the title.
East Jordan HS students & Ann Gildner
East Jordan High School welding students worked with Ann Gildner on creating a sculpture. The swan sculpture is now on display on the East Jordan Art Walk.