Jordan Art Walk - Star
Fall Festival
Friday, Sept. 29 & Saturday, Sept. 30
East Jordan’s Fall Festival features events around town and creative scarecrows! Thanks Judy for making JRAC’s scarecrow so special!
Rock Decorating at Freedom Festival
During Freedom Festival, Jordan River Arts Council provided an area in the park to design and color smooth rocks. Babs Young, Ginny Hawkins, and Dawn Swaim prepared (by sealing) over 80 rocks for everyone to have an opportunity to participate. It was a fun way to meet young artists and their families.
Teen Zone
Tuesday, July 11th, 9 teens and 3 adults at the Zone, participated in a drawing lesson learning about division of space. Dawn Swaim led the drawing exercise. It was a great opportunity to get to know our neighbors. We all drew a simple object, then divided it with lines and filled each space with color, textures, and values. JRAC is planning on partnering with the Zone for more lessons in the late summer and into the fall.