Holiday Gift Market

November 15 - December 20, 2025

Dear Artist:

Thank you for your interest in selling your work in the JRAC Holiday Gift Market. Free participation is a perk of a JRAC membership. Non-members are also welcome, the participation fee is $30. If you are new to JRAC’s Gift Market, we request that you submit pictures of your art for review a month or two before the Holiday Market. This can be done by sending us an email with description(s) and photos at We will contact you regarding acceptance into the Holiday Gift Market.

The Holiday Gift Market will open the evening of Saturday, November 15 with a special celebration and last over five weeks. If your inventory gets low, we will contact you to see if more is available. It is important to give us up-to-date contact information in order to do this.

Inventory Sheet: We are asking that you fill out the inventory sheet before you drop off your work. Please group similar items together as possible. For example, if you have 12 bowls for sale that are all different colors, but are all $10, then we’d prefer to see them grouped in one line for our records. If you have multiple earrings that are all $20, if they can be labeled “earrings” rather than each with its own description, it makes the inventory process much faster for us.

Each item must be priced and labeled with your initials and a JRAC Artist Code (a set of 3 numbers your select). Example: JWW 234 $10 Thank you in advance for your help with this.

Drop-off/Pick-up Dates: Drop-off is tentatively planned for Monday, Nov 10 or Tuesday, Nov 11 from 12:00-4:00 pm. Please keep copies of your inventory sheets for your own records. Dates for pick up of unsold work is tentatively planned for Sunday, December 21 or Monday, Dec 22, 12:00pm-4:00 pm. Contact us by phone or email if you need to make special arrangements.

Questions? Please contact us at 231-536-3385 or Thank you, the Holiday Gift Market Team